
Frances Plummer – Hypnotherapist
BA PGCE Cert Hyp Dip Hyp AHHp
Licentiate Member of Hypnotherapy Association – Ref 2430

Website: www.angel-therapy.co.uk
Direct Telephone:
Alternative Telephone : Bromley Clinic –

HYPNOTHERAPY for improving physical and emotional well-being

Hypnotherapy BromleyHypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in the treatment of emotional and psychogenetic issues. Using the client’s own and wise unconscious, it helps with problem solving and addressing life’s challenging events in a very relaxed way. It seeks out healthier resolutions for the seemingly inexplicable reactions which sometimes occur. Clients remain in control.

Hypnosis is a state of intense relaxation and concentration, in which the mind becomes remote and detached from everyday cares and concerns. The subconscious part of the mind, in a relaxed state, is best able to respond creatively. The mind is more open to accepting behavioral changes, clearing emotional blockages, and healing processes to assist finding new and healthier ways to react to life’s challenges and encourage improved physical health.

It can be used for almost any problem treatable by psychotherapy and also for many physical ailments as well. It is one of the oldest known healing therapies and is also approved of and accepted by conventional medicine.

INDUCING HYPNOSIS – various methods:

  • Hypnotic touch
  • Counting down numbers / focusing on a specified point
  • Using music, voice and images


  • Weight loss
  • Addiction correction and/or reduction – including quitting smoking
  • Pain management/pain reduction
  • Anxiety/Depression/Panic attacks/ Fears/ Phobias/Stress/Insomnia
  • Confidence boosting/problem solving
  • Grief/ Post-traumatic stress disorder and so much more


  • The body and conscious mind are completely relaxed – NOT asleep or unconscious
  • Breathing and heart rate slow down
  • The subconscious mind remains awake, receptive and engaged
  • The depth of hypnosis varies from a deep state to a very light one


  • It is very safe when used by a qualified hypnotherapist
  • The subject remains in control at all times
  • Hypnotherapy is approved by the British Medical Association
  • Hypnosis should NOT be used or ONLY WITH CARE on people suffering from epilepsy, psychosis, schizophrenia etc. I would expect a GP’s letter in these cases.
  • Most people feel rested, relaxed and refreshed after a session of Hypnotherapy
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Read more about Hypnotherapy


If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call