“I highly recommend Denise and her amazing techniques in Acupuncture.

I was finding it hard to locate my ovulation throughout 2018, so after reading reviews on Denise’s web page I had brought a course of Acupuncture to try and level set my cycles and ovulation in hope of trying for a baby in the new year. Denise told me to not even think of babies for at least 3 months whilst we work on cycle regularisation. I went back and told my husband this and our plan.

I started my first treatment on the first day of my cycle, returning weekly for further sessions…. I was pregnant before I even reached my next cycle.

I continued Acupuncture throughout my pregnancy for anxiety and to ensure healthy blood flow around the foetus.

We now have a beautiful healthy baby girl & I genuinely believe this is all down to Denise, her treatments which helped me along a path that meant so much to me and my husband. Thank you so much Denise.”


If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call