“I just wanted to let you know that I fell pregnant in January. Still very early days but I just wanted to say thank you for the course of acupuncture you gave me as I’m sure this had a positive role to play.”
“I trust you are well. I just wanted to drop you a short note to say that baby Finn was born at Kings College Hospital on 29th March, weighing 3.9kg. He is a great baby and I feel very blessed to have him. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your help and support. I love being a mum and so glad I came to see you.”

“I initially went to see Denise as she is a Zita West affiliated acupuncturist and therefore has specific knowledge of how to boost fertility. I had seen other acupuncturists during the years I was trying to get pregnant but noticed straight away that Denise was different. She carefully tailored each treatment in relation to where I was in my monthly cycle and to how I was feeling on each visit. We underwent IVF treatment and saw Denise regularly throughout this, happily the treatment worked on our first attempt. Denise continued to treat me during the entirety of my pregnancy. I experienced back pain which was completely eliminated with her help and I generally felt well during the time I was pregnant with our twins.
I would highly recommend Denise and much appreciate the assistance and support she gave during our fertility journey.”

Clare Christie
“Denise treated me for 3 months before I fell pregnant and then leading up to giving birth.
My fertility history had a been a sad one with one failed miscarriage after another including an ectopic pregnancy and 2 rounds of failed IVF. I went to Denise, knowing she was Zita West affiliated, with the hope of one, preparing my body to fall pregnant again and secondly to help maintain my pregnancy.
After weekly, sometimes twice weekly acupuncture sessions for about 3 months I fell pregnant for the 5th time. The first trimester was a tense time but I firmly believe I wouldn’t be here now with my baby boy if I hadn’t had Denise’s help and support with the acupuncture.
I am now visiting the clinic again for cranial therapy for my son as he was a ventouse delivery. This has helped immensely, he is now a very very happy little boy and I’m a very happy mum!
Many thanks to Denise, you have helped make our world complete!”

“I can’t recommend Denise’s practice enough. From getting pregnant when I thought there was no hope…to helping me through the pregnancy and now helping me to cope as a new mother, Denise has been a friend and a trustworthy practitioner.”

Stacey Jacob Harwood
“I had researched accupuncture via the Zita West website and was looking to find an affiliated clinic in the Bromley area to support my egg donation treatment cycle. This was my second attempt and wanted to utilise as many positive methods to support my treatment. I spent many sessions with Denise prior to, during and following my egg donation treatment and she was always informative and supportive. I had not used accupuncture the first time but believe that this made a positive influence second time around as my treatment was successful and I became pregnant. Denise also supported me through the pregnancy with accupuncture sessions and these helped me to relax, focus and deal with any ailments associated with the pregnancy. I gave birth to a lovely boy in March 2012.”

Jemma Smith
“When we arrived in the clinic the first day I was at my wits end with his paroxysms of crying, he was such an unhappy baby! Now when I join my friends at the N.C.T. groups some of them have to leave early with their crying babies and I can stay with a happy and contented Jack.”
Louise Smith speaking of baby Jack
“Thank you for everything you’ve done so far, I really have noticed an improvement with her and she is a much happier baby”
Isobel King speaking of baby Sadie
“We first used Denise’s services when my wife was facing the prospect of having an emergency caesarean because our baby was breach. A friend recommended acupuncture;
Kirstie recommended Denise, and after one -relatively painless- session, she somehow persuaded the baby to turn herself round. Nell was born naturally two weeks later.
However, she suffered from terrible colic and screamed the house down from dusk till dawn. The midwife recommended cranial osteopathy, so we took her to see Denise and within a few weeks she was sleeping, literally like a baby, all through the night. Denise is extremely friendly, caring and professional and the results she achieved have been little short of phenomenal. We would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending her to anyone facing similar problems.”
Mark Pendleton
“I was recommended by a friend who had seen Denise previously….I was unsure of what to expect but now there is no doubt that my baby is now a different child- so calm and happy. Isla‘s baby was suffering from digestive difficulties.”

Natalie Trent
“The acupuncture for fertility most certainly worked.. I’m now coming in for cranial as Leah is suffering from sleeplessness and irritability. I have only been in for a couple of treatments so far but I have a lot of faith in Denise’s practice.”
Nicole Laya Yiakomi
“After a traumatic birth cranial osteopathy really changed Lucy’s temperament, from an irritable and unsettled baby into a very calm one.”

Sandra West
“I had Covid in March and started seeing Denise for acupuncture in October for Long Covid symptoms. After the first few treatments, the ringing in my ears, headaches, tightness in my chest and coughing, stopped. Most importantly, the deep fatigue left me – I was finally able to function after 7 months of being able to do nothing!
Honestly, the acupuncture is the only thing besides rest that is helping me recover. I’m continuing to see Denise for the lingering symptoms that pop up, but I’m 90% healed. I’m so very thankful for Denise and her treatments. I’d highly recommend her to anyone suffering with Long Covid.”
Linda Russell
“I highly recommend Denise and her amazing techniques in Acupuncture.
I was finding it hard to locate my ovulation throughout 2018, so after reading reviews on Denise’s web page I had brought a course of Acupuncture to try and level set my cycles and ovulation in hope of trying for a baby in the new year. Denise told me to not even think of babies for at least 3 months whilst we work on cycle regularisation. I went back and told my husband this and our plan.
I started my first treatment on the first day of my cycle, returning weekly for further sessions…. I was pregnant before I even reached my next cycle.
I continued Acupuncture throughout my pregnancy for anxiety and to ensure healthy blood flow around the foetus.
We now have a beautiful healthy baby girl & I genuinely believe this is all down to Denise, her treatments which helped me along a path that meant so much to me and my husband. Thank you so much Denise.”
“I have seen Denise for many different health issues over the past 10 years, however I returned recently for Acupuncture treatment to help with severe digestive issues. After about 3 treatments, I saw a noticeable difference. Denise has an abundance of knowledge in so many different therapies and uses her inner tuition to help heal the body, whatever it might need. I have now had 6 treatments of Acupuncture and feel so much more positive that I can face these issues, instead of the repetition of constant worrying. I would recommend Denise as she is a highly trained professional that is making a big difference in helping people to understand, accept and heal.”
Deborah Dial
“I just wanted to let you know that I fell pregnant in January. Still very early days but I just wanted to say thank you for the course of acupuncture you gave me as I’m sure this had a positive role to play.”
“I have suffered with migraines since childhood, but after a particularly acute attack in November I was at a loss at what to do. I had not completely got rid of the migraine and was suffering with symptoms every day including a pain behind one eye and blurred vision. I was also constantly worried about having another acute attack. Thankfully I found Denise. Her professional manner and approach immediately put me at ease during a second migraine attack in December.
After several visits, Denise completely eradicated the remaining symptoms of my first attack and she has continued to control them since.
Six months later, the migraine attacks – which were previously happening as much as daily – have reduced significantly. In addition, the acupuncture has meant I am no longer needing to take painkillers every day. I can not fault Denise and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone in a similar position.”
Kate Bromley
“I did my back in this morning and a friend said get to Denise. I went form rolling on the floor in agony to walking out the door in one session! Honestly thank you so much I really don’t know what I could have done otherwise.”
Caroline Angela Cuell
“I managed to twist my knee and then proceeded to hobble around for two weeks until Denise got hold of me. After one treatment of acupuncture I was a little sore but within 24 hours no more pain. Just wish I had seen her sooner!”
Erica Woodward Staxenius
“I am seventy-six years old, and, in 2011, when I was seventy-one, I was due to have an operation for the complete replacement of my left hip. So I attended a Hospital to be weighed and measured in readiness for the operation which was to be done in a couple of weeks time. But, when the Nurse asked me to stand up straight, with my back and the back of my head touching the wall, and the backs of my heels touching the skirting-board so she could measure my height, I found that my spine had be- come so terribly curved, that I could not do as the Nurse had asked. I was distraught. One of the Hospital Staff advised me to consult Denise Callaghan, and so I did.
I will never forget that, when Denise had examined the curve of my spine, she said “This is dreadful – but I can fix it!!” And she did!! It took her only a few sessions of acupuncture and deep massage to get my spine straight and to get me being able to stand up straight – and it was all done in an extremely friendly and stress-free atmosphere. I know that some people are afraid of acupuncture, but, honestly, all I felt was a few tiny pin-pricks, and then I soon forgot that the needles were even there.
In brief, Denise said that the curvature of my spine was my body’s way of dealing with my need for the hip operation. And, after she had straightened it, there was no need for me to consult her again, and time passed. Then, in January 2015, I finally had the operation for the complete replacement of my right hip. However, some time after the operation, I found that I was in terrible pain, and that it seemed to originate from the top edge of my pelvis, towards the back on the right-hand side. The pain was so severe that it made me nauseous, and it was constantly there – whether I sat, stood up or laid down. And, as it had not been there BEFORE the operation, I truly believed that the pain was because of something that had gone wrong during the operation.
So, when I attended the Out Patients’ Clinic, I told the member of the Surgeon’s Team all about this pain. But he said it was nothing to do with the operation, and he sent me to a Physiotherapist – who told me to repeat the exercises that I had done in the Hospital after the operation. But this was not convenient for me. Then, only a matter of weeks ago, I was so convinced that this dreadful pain was due to the operation, that I wrote to the Surgeon about it, and I said that, as I was due to receive quite a sum of money in a few months time, I would happily become a Private Patient and pay him to operate on me in order to find out the reason for the pain. Also, as my spine had started to slightly curve again, I told him that, in the meantime, I was going to consult Denise Callaghan, so that she could straighten my spine again.
So, I saw Denise only a few weeks ago, and I told her about my spine being slightly curved, and, as I thought that an operation was needed to stop my terrible pain, I only mentioned it. However, Denise examined me and, in brief, said that the pain had come about because my body had had to adapt due to my need for the hip operations, and, now that I had had both operations, my body was trying to adapt to being normal again. She said she could fix it and, the slight curve of my spine!!
I had gone to Denise’s with a Walker – one of those three-wheeled trolleys – because for at least six years, I had been unable to walk without one, and yet, after only an hour of Denise’s acupuncture and deep massage, I was able to walk without it and the pain was lessened and my spine was almost straight. And, after two further hourly sessions, I feel fit and healthy and very, very happy.
Most people don’t realise just how demoralising it can be when a person gets older and their spine bends them over, and they can’t get around without having to rely on a Walker. Well, let me tell you this: a few months ago, a couple of my friends who are in their forties, said that they were planning to live and work in France, and they asked me to go with them. But I refused because I thought that I would be an encumbrance – because of the terrible pain, my curved spine and my not being able to walk without a Walker. But, after Denise had worked on me, and I could stand up straight, and walk and run, and not be in pain, I told my friends that I WILL go with them to France! Also, think of all the money I’ve saved by not having to pay the Surgeon!”
Trish Hunter
“Dear Denise
I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you for all your help with the acupuncture, as it has helped me to live again. When I first saw you I could hardly get out of bed. I had to give up my college course and my work. I was suffering from muscle spasm and severe tiredness. I lost a great deal of weight and the medical profession were baffled. Since your treatment I am now back at work and on my course. I will definitely keep you in mind for the future if I need a boost at all, as it definitely helped calm my body through all the muscle spasm and tiredness. So thank you!
Take Care”
Jenny Hodges
“Hi Denise
It was nice to receive your newsletter and it has prompted me to get in touch! I came to see you in October/November last year, for a cycle of acupuncture whilst I was having fertility treatment. I found the whole process very interesting and I’m pleased to report that your magic worked, and I am 24 weeks pregnant! Many thanks for helping me and perhaps see you again towards the end of my pregnancy to help me with backache!
Best wishes”
Antonia Sleater
“I had suffered from sciatica for months and the GP offered nothing but painkillers and vague promises that it might ‘eventually’ get better.
So bad was the pain that walking more than a few hundred yards was difficult and l had all but given up on gardening and cycling.
I was recommended to Denise via Mumsnet and after three sessions l am pain free, fully mobile, back on my pushbike and working on my allotment.
Treatment is professional, reasonably priced and l would recommend Denise to anyone suffering with sciatica or back pain.”
Mike Gibson
“I have been going to Denise for many years for Osteopathy and in recent years Denise introduced me to acupuncture for back pain, performing acupuncture on my lower back worked incredibly well from hardly walking, bending and constant pain, then after a short course being able to get back to normal life and activities pain free, Denise is truly a professional practitioner, therefore I cannot recommend Denise enough, I am a true convert to acupuncture, I have no idea of its many mysteries on how it works but it does.”
“Denise Callaghan has been treating a neck problem of mine of which has really helped improve it. She is a lovely, warm person who is very knowledgeable and I would not hesitate to recommend her.”
Gemma Kearley
“I was suffering from prolonged nausea, loss of appetite and extreme tiredness. The acupuncture and Chinese herbs made a tremendous difference to all of the symptoms over a relatively short period of time.”
Mrs Berry
“I cannot speak highly enough of the treatment that I received from Denise Callagahan! I had been suffering from an appalling tension headache continuously day and night for over a week and having tried all kinds of headache tablets had got no relief at all. The headache was preventing me from sleeping properly – and even when I did manage to nap, the pain was still present as soon as I awoke. I was at my wits end and was desperate for a remedy. Having been a patient of Ms Callaghan’s before for back problems, I remembered that she offered a range of services for all sorts of conditions and thought that this would definitely be worth trying. Two days after my first acupuncture session, the pain lifted for a morning and while the headache did subsequently return, after another session, the headache disappeared for an entire day (I know this doesn’t sound much, but when you have been suffering for about 12 days continuously, just a single day was a huge relief!). One more session two days later lifted the pain completely and (fingers crossed) the headache has not returned!
I do not offer this testimonial lightly, but I can honestly say that such a relatively short course of treatment has had a huge positive effect on my quality of life and sense of well-being.”
Alan Netting
“I have seen Denise for several things but most recently for the menopause. She has successfully eliminated my hot flushes with acupuncture. The hot flushes were disrupting my sleep and causing me to feel very depressed, within weeks my symptoms had disappeared.”
Jackie Payne
“When I first saw Denise my menopause symptoms were dominating my life, I had 30-40 hot flushes per day and very bad ‘morning sickness’ (worse than during pregnancies). My G.P. had timed HRT treatments with no success but within a couple of acupuncture treatments the sickness had stopped the hot flushes proved more persistent but with the help the introduction of Chinese Herbs they are now under control. I now realise how depressed I had become and I love being ‘me’ again.”
Deidre Lambert
“Denise has treated me for some back problems recently, and I have been amazed at the effectiveness of her treatment. She uses a mixture of massage and acupuncture, and from the very first session I began to feel better. Over the years I have had various bouts of back trouble and have tried all sorts of treatment, but Denise is far and away the best, and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending her services.
I should add that I don’t have personal experience of this, but my daughter needed to have her baby turned just before Christmas to avoid some medical complications. On offer from the hospital was some painful process with no guarantee of success but the midwife told her that acupuncture did sometimes work. She had three sessions with Denise, and the baby was successfully turned and born without any problems. My daughter was very grateful to Denise for her skill and support, and joins me in recommending her, and obviously not just for backache!”
Dan Mahony
“I have been having treatment from Denise for the past few months and I can’t recommend her highly enough. Denise has proved herself to be wise, nurturing and highly effective at treating the wide range of health problems i have presented with – from my knotted and painful neck, neuralgia and now my painful feet.
Denise treats in a holistic and very detailed way, I have rarely felt any pain from the needles, but I have always felt huge benefits and relaxation from the treatments.
I feel very supported and enriched by Denise and her expert and precise treatments.”

Louise McIntosh
“Denise was prompt at getting in contact with my partner who had been suffering with shoulder pain. Denise gave a practical consultation and after only a couple of sessions my partner’s shoulder is much better. A big thank you to Denise who hasn’t only just helped my partner to feel 100% again but has opened my eyes to the benefits of alternative medicine!”
Luke Richards
“During the menopause I really suffered with hot flushes, but after having acupuncture treatment the hot flushes soon disappeared. A big thanks to Denise and her team.”
Sarah Johns
“I hate needles. But I hate pills more; so when I was introduced to Denise I thought I’d approach her as I was having more than minor pains in my wrist and elbows; mostly due to using a computer, iphone and ipad! Denise assured me that she could treat me without needles and she was right! After only one session I was cured and I haven’t had a problem since. Not only did Denise treat me, but she also advised me on how to prevent the pain coming back in the future.
Now I always tell my friends that when they think they need a pill, they actually need Denise. Everyone should have Denise Callaghan in their lives! A very happy and now loyal customer.”
“As a qualified solicitor based in Catford, I feel that I am qualified to give this testimonial.
For a long time I was troubled with a very painful wrist, which was mostly from overuse of a computer. At times my wrist was so painful that I could not bear any weight on it at all and getting dressed was becoming a struggle.
After just a few visits with Denise the change was remarkable! As a very active scout leader I was greatly inhibited by the pain but through electrotherapy and manipulation I was back putting up tents, sailing and running games. I have not been troubled with pain since.
I would thoroughly recommend Denise to anyone; she is highly knowledgeable and experienced in her field having undergone a remarkable list of training. Her calm nature makes you feel immediately at ease and I even looked forward to my appointments.”
Kirstie Edmondson
“I have been suffering from pain in my right forearm for longer than I can remember and just thought that it would be something I had to just put up with. I met Denise and booked in to try acupuncture, in 2 sessions Denise managed to cure me from my pain – I was worried about the pain of needles (I cannot stand them!) but it was painless and did the job, so if I’m ever in the situation where I have the pain again, I won’t be hanging around before calling Denise.”

Nathan Kelsey
“I have a lower and upper back pain for many years and I was unable to straighten my upper back now and can stand up straight with no pain and improved movement.”

Michael Thrussell
“I had really bad back problems and arthritis. Since having treatment I am much better.”

Norma Glover
“I had foot problems following a bunion operation and my treatment has made my foot much less painful and increased my ability to dance and exercise again.”

Helen Badger
“I pulled my back at 34 weeks pregnant and was in agony. Acupuncture helped me really quickly to get back on my feet. I would recommend it [and Denise] to anyone.”

Kellie Davis
“Having had chronic back pain, the treatment I have received has been affective and not unpleasant. I would recommend Denise to anyone.”

Richard Grant
“I sustained a bad knee ligament injury whilst skiing. The acupuncture treatment reduced the swelling dramatically. Then future treatment exercise has hastened my recovery. I would not have been so mobile so quickly without my treatment with Denise.”

Kath Jones
“During a period of intense stress I suffered an attack of Bell’s Palsy which I didn’t realise until too late. I was devastated when I noticed that one side of my face had ‘fallen’ I met Denise Callaghan and embarked on a regime of acupuncture and electrotherapy. The impact has been amazing! I am thrilled that the treatment has restored my face to near normal and this has given me the incentive to continue with the treatment; we’re aiming for perfection!!!”

Jo Keyes
“Over the years I have had a number of occasions when I have needed treatment for example a bad back and following injuries such as an injured shoulder following a fall. Denise and acupuncture have never let me down.”

Ann Shepherd
“Prior to discovering acupuncture I had tried various forms of pain relief for osteoarthritis in the hands and feet. I was skeptical at first then felt the benefits and have returned on a regular basis for treatment. Again recently when I damaged the ligaments in my foot Denise has helped with the treatment, which has enabled me to get back to an active lifestyle.”

Lynn Sylvester
“I suffered a severe stroke in 2004 and after the hospital therapy had been exhausted I was unable to walk without the use of a stick as my balance was poor. I also had intermittent sharp pains through my left eye and a pins and needles sensation on my right side. The stroke specialist prescribed a drug to reduce the discomfort but unfortunately it had the effect of a very strong tranquilliser and I was unable to function at all. In 2006 it was suggested that I try acupuncture and I started a course of therapy with Denise Callaghan which improved the eye pain quickly and improved my balance to a stage where I rarely require a stick to walk. The treatment also reduced the intensity of the pins and needles which had been quite distressing, gradually ‘washing’ the sensation down my leg and then later down to my foot. When I had my first consultation with Denise there were no guarantees of success, but I only wish I had started acupuncture two years earlier. It worked for me!”
Mr B Samuels
“Working in the city as a trader is probably one of the most stressful jobs around. When a friend suggested acupuncture, I really thought nothing of it until the stress got so bad I realised it was worth a try. After just one session with Denise I felt an instant difference and as a result was able to carry on with my job and my stress levels dropped considerably. It is definitely worth trying.”
Daniel Hayes
“After suffering an injury at work to my right shoulder, I was advised to contact Denise Callaghan. On my first visit I was given a professional and detailed assessment of my injury, and a weekly course of treatments including massage and acupuncture was recommended.
When I first visited Denise the movement of my right arm was severely restricted by pain and tissue damage. Over the scheduled treatment plan I noticed a remarkable reduction in pain and gained 90% movement. And by the end of my treatment I was pain free.
Denise has a wonderful caring and understanding approach of her clients. I was always comfortable and confident with her knowledge and her ability to explain in detail the healing process. I would be more than happy to recommend her to my friends and family. The treatment I received was exceptional. Thank you Denise.”
Andrew Hallifax Lyons
“Something like twelve years ago I found Denise Callaghan after being advised to try osteopathy for a severe work related back problem. On the first visit to Denise’s clinic she quickly discovered what was wrong and through manipulation and other treatment began to correct the problem. Further visits were required and after each one there was significant improvement. Eventually I was able to move about free of pain. Because it was work related the problem has reoccurred a few times over the years. Each time I have visited the clinic and Denise, along with her friendly and capable staff, have put it right. I would highly recommend that if you are in pain then get yourself round to see Denise. What this lady doesn’t know about the structure of the body and how to treat it isn’t worth knowing.”
Trevor Saunders
“Very pleased with the outcome of my treatment from Denise. The wide range of techniques she employs has meant that within a couple of weeks my back is once again pain free and I’m back playing football. I have recommended Denise to a number of friends and will continue to do so.”
Kordel Smith
“One morning as I was putting my boots on to go to work I suddenly felt a ping (my back went) unable to physically go to work I called Denise urgently to have an appointment. Denise said she would make herself available at her Bromley centre, although she wasn’t meant to be there that day. After a couple of treatments I was able to get back to work as I noticed a huge improvement however continued to have 2 weeks of treatment to reach a full recovery with my back. I would like to overly thank Denise and her staff for being polite and professional and have always recommended Denise Callaghan to family and friends.”
Shane Hodgson
“It has been an absolute pleasure to have been treated by Denise for my back problem. She is very understanding, puts you totally at ease during the treatments (a mixture of hands on and using machinery). I am more than happy to say that for the first time in five weeks, I am pain free.
I would not hesitate whatsoever in recommending Denise to any prospective patients who are suffering from any ailments in the body – Denise is highly efficient at what she does and I have no complaints.”
Mandeep Sheera
“I would like to thank you Denise for helping me with my back problems recently. I run a small glazing and lock business and quiet often have to lift large pieces of glass or double glazed units, recently I had a problem with my back after lifting a large double glazed unit but unfortunately I didn’t see Denise straight away and hoped the problem would go on its own. The problem just got worse and I was unable to do a lot of work and I was walking around slowly and in pain, eating lots of pain killers but after a couple of sessions with Denise I was feeling much better.
The advantage of going to see Denise is that she isn’t just an Osteopath she does lots of different things such as acupuncture for example which all helped in getting me back on my feet in no time, thanks again Denise. I will not hesitate in recommending you to any of my friends and family.”

Jeffrey Morris
“On finding myself totally unable to move my head or neck, it was recommended that I visit Denise Callaghan an Osteopath based in Orpington and Bromley. Denise fitted me in to her Orpington surgery that day and made me exceptionally welcome and at ease.
Her initial examination showed that the neck was so badly seized that the best option was acupuncture. Denise was professional at all times, recommending the best course of treatment and exercises to do in between appointments.
The second appointment again started with acupuncture, then manipulation as the neck had released slightly and was finished with massage. Denise’s’ staff checked which of the surgeries would be more convenient for me and further appointments were at Bromley for ease of access. All staff were welcoming and understanding of the pain that I was in.
It took four treatments from Denise to ease the neck, but I was fully aware that these treatments were necessary and no way surplus to requirements.
I would and actually have recommended Denise to others for her professionalism and compassion – first class service!!”
Helen Freer
“Denise worked on Joel in terms of his digestion. I took him as a friend had recommended me to do so after the traumatic birth experience both he and myself had been through. He had been struggling with reflux and colic and I knew (as he was my second) that his digestion wasn’t as it should be.
After only one session of 30 minutes with Denise I noticed a difference. After 6 (or however many times I went) there was such a difference, he was such a happy baby and all the problems I had had with him had disappeared! He was sleeping well and content. It was lovely to have a happy bouncy baby.
I was nervous to start with as I didn’t know what cranial was but it was a lovely calming experience for both of us. I always went at a feed time so that I could feed Joel (bottle) whilst he was worked on and he would just relax and lie there enjoying milk and the massage I am sure! He would then sleep all the way home and again at bedtime perfectly. There is nothing to be scared of even though the name can sound a little overwhelming. If I had known about it with my first I would have been there in a shot! I am convinced Joel would not be the content kid he is without the help of Cranial.”
Danielle Taylor
“Following major dentistry I had a lot of pain from an irregular bite. Denise’s cranial osteopathy adjusted the bite and restored comfort. Was I grateful”

Lorna Winton
“I have been consulting Denise for many years. She knows how active I am and has kept me mobile, in spite of various knee and back problems, because of her wonderful needles. I have also recommended her to various other people who have also been delighted.
I don’t know what I would do without her.
Thank you for everything Denise.”

Madeleine Swift
“I think I can say that I have been a patient of yours for a long time and I had dizziness and headaches, and Cranial osteopathy has helped me a lot in overcoming those problems. The same applies to my son Luca, who use to get a migraine that would last 4 or 5 days, the treatment helped him in not getting the migraines, or if he has them, they do not last long.”

Giovanna Elkouby
“Thanks Denise- My knees are finally back to normal and I can return to playing football. I highly recommend Osteopathy if you are suffering from any sports injuries-both the Osteopathy and Acupuncture has really helped me out!”
Mark Bates
“I was always caught between Osteopathy and Physiotherapy as I didn’t know which was better- after receiving both, I have to say that it was the Osteopathy that got me back on track when I got whiplash after the car accident. Denise and her staff were so supportive and friendly I would definitely come back and send others here.”
Neil Marks
“After receiving a short course of treatment from Denise, my back pain began to get noticeably better and I was able to return to work and normal every day routines in no time! I would highly recommend this treatment to any one that suffers from a bad back, it really helped change my life.”
Jane Dunn
“Touch wood I continue along this path but I wanted to get in touch to let you know how much your work is appreciated. A huge thank you for all you have done for me and I will certainly keep in touch and you will be my first call for any issues in the future.”
“After suffering with migraines for over twenty years and having all the conventional treatments with little success, I finally found Denise. In a relatively short space of time, with regular treatments I have noticed a vast improvement: with my migraines being less frequent and shorter lasting. It is a work in progress but not one I am willing to give up on.”
“I have recently been seeing Denise for problems with my back and can honestly say that I am starting to feel much better. She has worked extensively on my back with her hands and an assortment of specialist equipment.
Denise was able to see my young daughter at short notice and quickly diagnosed ligament damage. My daughter is currently undergoing treatment and is improving rapidly.
I am very happy with all of the treatments so far and I would have no hesitation in recommending Denise to anyone who needs help.”
“It is important for someone like myself, who relies a great deal on personal referrals that if I refer someone to an osteopath that I am confident that they will look after them and enhance their wellbeing. That is precisely the roll that Denise was able to do when I sent my father to her in an attempt to improve his arthritis suffering.
I would not hesitate in recommending her to other friends and family.”

Trevor French
“Recently an old shoulder problem resulted in considerable pain and lack of mobility. Previous experience of this problem had resulted in the need for hospital treatment so when this injury reoccurred recently, it was a cause of some concern.
Fortunately, I had the opportunity to discuss the problem with Denise Callaghan, who has practiced Osteopathy and acupuncture for over 25 years. A visit to Denise’s practice was arranged and after a number of visits, I am delighted to say that I haven’t experienced such freedom of movement with this shoulder for many years.
A visit to Denise’s practice is a relaxing experience and her friendly staff reflects the professionalism and care that Denise brings to her work.
So, My thanks to Denise and her team and I would unreservedly advise anyone suffering similar ailments that really help is at hand. Denise’s business card is one I shall never throw away.”
Paul Grant
Please call