
Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Some of the most common allergens include: grass and tree pollen (hay fever) dust mites animal dander (tiny flakes of skin or hair) food allergy (particularly fruits, shellfish and nuts) An allergy develops when the body’s immune system reacts to an allergen as though it […]

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Traditional Chinese and Japanese Diagnosis and Treatment for babies and children

Denise Callaghan has more than 35 years’ experience as a fully qualified Osteopathic practitioner and is registered with the General Osteopathic Council. But another area in which she specialises in is paediatrics — the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of babies and children. To further complement her Cranial Osteopathy work and expertise in […]

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Hay fever is no walk in the park – discover how acupuncture can help

Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, hay fever season is in full swing. But instead of sneezing or coughing your way through the height of the season, have you thought about sticking a pin in it once and for all? “Acupuncture is a brilliant way to alleviate allergic reactions, such as hay fever,” Denise Callaghan, trained Osteopath […]

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Other Conditions

  FOOT AND ANKLE PAIN Pain can occur in the foot and ankles for a number of reasons. The foot and ankle is made up of a number of small bones interconnected by ligaments, muscles and fascia all working together to give the strength, stability and flexibility the foot and ankle needs to function properly. […]

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If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call