Menopause Treatment by Acupuncture

The change in hormone levels during the perimenopause and menopause, particularly the decline in levels of oestrogen, can cause acute menopausal symptoms; for example, about 30-70% of women in Western countries will experience vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats (Freeman 2007; Melby 2005). Some women also report vaginal dryness and psychological symptoms, […]

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Back pain, backpacks and back to school


After much debate and discourse, the schools are finally back.  It’s all very different of course – with bubbles, one-way systems, distancing, masks and sanitiser.  Many schools are advising that pupils make less use of their lockers – taking books and equipment home each night in case they need to isolate, or a local lockdown […]

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What price qualifications?


There’s no doubt that letters after a person’s name and a certificate on the wall really help to inspire confidence in their knowledge and skills. An academic qualification is still the best evidence that someone possesses a high degree of competence in their chosen field, and – importantly for employers – that they’re not afraid […]

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Keep those hot flushes at bay with acupuncture!


Acupuncture is back in the news again. We already know that it can be hugely helpful for pain relief and in fertility treatment, but this week the Daily Mail highlighted some exciting research showing that the therapy can help alleviate the misery of menopausal hot flushes and the dreaded night sweats.

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Acupuncture for fertility

Affiliation with the Zita West Clinic As a proud mother of two healthy daughters, Denise understands what it means to have children of her own and sympathizes with women who are unable to conceive. When she heard about the success stories associated with acupuncture and fertility, she began training with the renowned Zita West […]

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Denise Callaghan, Osteopath & Acupuncturist in Bromley & Orpington

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If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call