Diagnosed with fibromyalgia? We’re pinpointing how acupuncture could help

Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that’s gained a reputation as being difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of the debilitating condition are wide and varied. And at present, there is no specific test to diagnose the condition. However, according to the most up to date stats, some estimates suggest nearly 1 in 20 people are […]

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Endometriosis Awareness Month 2022: Can acupuncture help ease the pain?

With March marking Endometriosis Awareness Month, it seems an ideal time to raise awareness of the positive impact acupuncture can have for sufferers of this chronic and often debilitating medical condition which can affect fertility. What is endometriosis? According to the NHS, endometriosis is one of the most painful health conditions to cope with.  The […]

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Pinpointing how acupuncture can help with male fertility

pregnant couple

Fertility issues are nothing new. According to a 2019 report, around 48.5 million couples experience infertility worldwide – with 1 in 7 couples in the UK unable to have a child. But when it comes to difficulties with getting pregnant, the onus is quite often placed on the woman. When in fact, as stated by The […]

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Can acupuncture and osteopathy help with Long Covid? It sure can


The long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic haven’t gone unnoticed. According to a new report*, Long Covid – which was previously known as post-Covid-19 syndrome – has affected at least 2 million people in England. The condition is a type of Post Viral Syndrome and refers to a range of symptoms that last weeks or months […]

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Hay fever is no walk in the park – discover how acupuncture can help

Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, hay fever season is in full swing. But instead of sneezing or coughing your way through the height of the season, have you thought about sticking a pin in it once and for all? “Acupuncture is a brilliant way to alleviate allergic reactions, such as hay fever,” Denise Callaghan, trained Osteopath […]

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