Fertility in 2022: What’s the latest?

Did you know, more than 3.5 million people in the UK go through some kind of fertility challenge?* And when it comes to infertility, (a term which refers to the inability to get pregnant), according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, it’s been estimated that one in seven heterosexual couples are impacted […]

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How to manage stress during your fertility journey

Stress can have wide and varied impacts on the human body. From headaches and sleep problems to weight gain and weight loss, chronic stress can even cause memory and concentration problems. But there’s more. Along with increased blood pressure and digestive disorders, stress can have a massive impact on our mental health. And, according to […]

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Does Covid-19 affect male fertility?


We’ve spoken before about the factors that can affect the quality of sperm. From alcohol and environmental endocrine factors to anabolic steroids and fevers. But now, according to new research, there’s another item to add to the list – and that’s Covid-19. Detailed in a National Institutes of Health-funded research study, which looked at whether […]

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Pinpointing how acupuncture can help with male fertility

pregnant couple

Fertility issues are nothing new. According to a 2019 report, around 48.5 million couples experience infertility worldwide – with 1 in 7 couples in the UK unable to have a child. But when it comes to difficulties with getting pregnant, the onus is quite often placed on the woman. When in fact, as stated by The […]

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Nutrition for fertility


Across my work treating fertility issues, a question I am regularly asked is “what should I eat to help me fall pregnant”. Just as stress levels, sleep and emotional health can have major impacts on your hormonal balance, circulation, cell ageing — and, therefore, fertility — so can your diet. Acupuncture for fertility courses that […]

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Acupuncture for fertility

Affiliation with the Zita West Clinic https://www.zitawest.com As a proud mother of two healthy daughters, Denise understands what it means to have children of her own and sympathizes with women who are unable to conceive. When she heard about the success stories associated with acupuncture and fertility, she began training with the renowned Zita West […]

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