Endometriosis Awareness Month 2022: Can acupuncture help ease the pain?

With March marking Endometriosis Awareness Month, it seems an ideal time to raise awareness of the positive impact acupuncture can have for sufferers of this chronic and often debilitating medical condition which can affect fertility. What is endometriosis? According to the NHS, endometriosis is one of the most painful health conditions to cope with.  The […]

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Away from the couch – getting to know Osteopath Denise Callaghan

Away from the couch

This season, we’ve swapped the usual osteopathic couch for one you’d find in your front room in a bid to discover more about Osteopath Denise Callaghan. If you’ve had osteopathy before, you’ll know it’s quite a hands-on form of alternative medicine. That’s because osteopaths quite literally use their hands to help detect, treat and prevent […]

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Pregnancy plans derailed by 2020? Have you considered Acupuncture?

COVID has, understandably, dominated the headlines in 2020.  But outside the hand washing, distancing and mask wearing, people still have plans.  And, for some, this may include having a baby. Sadly, around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving. And with NHS fertility services having been suspended for a period earlier this year, some […]

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Back pain, backpacks and back to school


After much debate and discourse, the schools are finally back.  It’s all very different of course – with bubbles, one-way systems, distancing, masks and sanitiser.  Many schools are advising that pupils make less use of their lockers – taking books and equipment home each night in case they need to isolate, or a local lockdown […]

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As an Osteopath – I’ve not just got your back!

What do you think of when you hear the word Osteopath?  Backs and spines?  Possibly so – I certainly see lots of patients with back pain.  But there are a whole range of symptoms and conditions that osteopathy and acupuncture can help ease that might not immediately spring to mind and I thought we’d have […]

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Getting pregnant – an uphill struggle?

Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. Nowadays, more people than ever before need help to boost their fertility. But not, it seems, if you live in Walford and are called Mitchell! There anything’s possible, either end of the reproductive scale, with hapless Phil’s 17-year-old on-screen daughter Louise and wife Sharon, 50, both expecting.

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Acupuncture gets the royal seal of approval

The news that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is “reportedly” having acupuncture ahead of the birth of her baby in April will no doubt spark fresh interest in this ancient Chinese practice. I have used it for several years, alongside osteopathy, to treat any number of complaints from back pain to infertility. Happily, it’s also perfectly […]

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What price qualifications?


There’s no doubt that letters after a person’s name and a certificate on the wall really help to inspire confidence in their knowledge and skills. An academic qualification is still the best evidence that someone possesses a high degree of competence in their chosen field, and – importantly for employers – that they’re not afraid […]

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Newsletter sign up

Thank you for your interest in our newsletters which provides free health and wellbeing tips, information about the treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions and matters relating to osteopathy as a way of enhancing fertility. We do not share or sell any personal details with third parties for commercial purposes. We may pass personal details […]

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Keep those hot flushes at bay with acupuncture!


Acupuncture is back in the news again. We already know that it can be hugely helpful for pain relief and in fertility treatment, but this week the Daily Mail highlighted some exciting research showing that the therapy can help alleviate the misery of menopausal hot flushes and the dreaded night sweats.

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If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call