Pregnancy plans derailed by 2020? Have you considered Acupuncture?

COVID has, understandably, dominated the headlines in 2020.  But outside the hand washing, distancing and mask wearing, people still have plans.  And, for some, this may include having a baby. Sadly, around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving. And with NHS fertility services having been suspended for a period earlier this year, some […]

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Pregnancy – not an illness, right?

Being pregnant is a real cause for celebration, especially if it’s taken a little while to conceive. And, what with work and the other demands of our 24/7 modern lifestyles, it’s tempting to try to carry on ‘as normal’. But that’s not going to be so easy if you’re feeling sick, tired, beset with back […]

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How to beat pelvic pain in pregnancy

Few would deny that pregnancy and childbirth is an utterly unique and powerful experience. It’s also a process that places huge demands on the mother’s body which, by the time the baby is born, could be carrying an extra 20lb of baby, fluid and placenta! Under the circumstances, aches and pains in pregnancy are, of […]

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Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy is a unique and powerful experience. A large number of emotional, physical and hormonal changes take place over an eight to nine month period.  Towards the end of the pregnancy, the body has to adapt to carrying up to 20lb of baby, waters and placenta, which imposes physical strain on all organs and tissues. There […]

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How to manage stress during your fertility journey

Stress can have wide and varied impacts on the human body. From headaches and sleep problems to weight gain and weight loss, chronic stress can even cause memory and concentration problems. But there’s more. Along with increased blood pressure and digestive disorders, stress can have a massive impact on our mental health. And, according to […]

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Nutrition for fertility


Across my work treating fertility issues, a question I am regularly asked is “what should I eat to help me fall pregnant”. Just as stress levels, sleep and emotional health can have major impacts on your hormonal balance, circulation, cell ageing — and, therefore, fertility — so can your diet. Acupuncture for fertility courses that […]

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“I highly recommend Denise and her amazing techniques in Acupuncture. I was finding it hard to locate my ovulation throughout 2018, so after reading reviews on Denise’s web page I had brought a course of Acupuncture to try and level set my cycles and ovulation in hope of trying for a baby in the new […]

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