Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you’re experiencing discomfort pain in your hand, fingers and wrist that may also wake you up at night, chances are that are a victim of the delightfully named Carpal Tunnel syndrome (CTS).

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Jaw Pain (T.M.D)

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition affecting the joints and muscles involved with chewing. Doctors sometimes refer to the condition as “myofascial pain disorder”.  It’s been estimated that up to 30% of adults will experience TMD at some point in their lives. TMD can cause: clicking, popping or grating noises as you chew or move your mouth muscle […]

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Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Some of the most common allergens include: grass and tree pollen (hay fever) dust mites animal dander (tiny flakes of skin or hair) food allergy (particularly fruits, shellfish and nuts) An allergy develops when the body’s immune system reacts to an allergen as though it […]

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Shoulder Problems

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint with a large range of movement. Such a mobile joint tends to be more susceptible to injury. Shoulder pain can stem from one or more of the following causes: Strains from overexertion Tendonitis from overuse Shoulder joint instability Dislocation Rotator cuff disorders Frozen shoulder Pinched nerves (also […]

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What price qualifications?


There’s no doubt that letters after a person’s name and a certificate on the wall really help to inspire confidence in their knowledge and skills. An academic qualification is still the best evidence that someone possesses a high degree of competence in their chosen field, and – importantly for employers – that they’re not afraid […]

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Headaches – when pain killers bring no relief

With this week being Migraine Awareness Week, we’ve been thinking about headaches, and how persistent and debilitating they can be for sufferers. If medical investigations don’t uncover a cause for concern, people who struggle with headaches or migraines can often be left feeling helpless and faced with no choice but to rely on pharmaceutical pain […]

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Who are you calling face ache?


TMJ is not necessarily a well-known term. And in these days of LOL and OMG you could be forgiven for thinking it’s just the new TMI; but in fact it stands for temporomandibular joint. Which is the joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull (temporal bone) in front of the ear. And […]

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Newsletter sign up

Thank you for your interest in our newsletters which provides free health and wellbeing tips, information about the treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions and matters relating to osteopathy as a way of enhancing fertility. We do not share or sell any personal details with third parties for commercial purposes. We may pass personal details […]

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