Keep those hot flushes at bay with acupuncture!


Acupuncture is back in the news again. We already know that it can be hugely helpful for pain relief and in fertility treatment, but this week the Daily Mail highlighted some exciting research showing that the therapy can help alleviate the misery of menopausal hot flushes and the dreaded night sweats.

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Pregnant? Give yourself a pre-birth MOT


Like the Duchess of Cambridge and Khloé Kardashian, you’re well into the third trimester. The horrors of morning sickness are a distant memory, it’s increasingly hard to see your own feet and baby unfailingly times his boxercise sessions for the middle of the night.

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Gains over sprains

Gym Equipment

Faced with a couple more months of gloomy weather, and no Christmas spirit to distract us, many of us have our hopeful eyes focused on summer and have kicked off 2018 with an anxious step on the scales, followed by a hasty gym membership.

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It’s a bit of a headache…..

It’s a bit of a headache…..

Over 50% of people worldwide suffer from headaches – but what can be done to alleviate the pain, control the symptoms and prevent them returning on a regular basis?

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GDPR Privacy Notice

Scope This document refers to personal data, which is defined as information concerning any living person (a natural person who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is EU wide and far more extensive than its predecessor the Data Protection […]

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Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy is a unique and powerful experience. A large number of emotional, physical and hormonal changes take place over an eight to nine month period.  Towards the end of the pregnancy, the body has to adapt to carrying up to 20lb of baby, waters and placenta, which imposes physical strain on all organs and tissues. There […]

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Other Conditions

  FOOT AND ANKLE PAIN Pain can occur in the foot and ankles for a number of reasons. The foot and ankle is made up of a number of small bones interconnected by ligaments, muscles and fascia all working together to give the strength, stability and flexibility the foot and ankle needs to function properly. […]

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Lorna Winton

“Following major dentistry I had a lot of pain from an irregular bite. Denise’s cranial osteopathy adjusted the bite and restored comfort. Was I grateful”

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