Back pain, backpacks and back to school


After much debate and discourse, the schools are finally back.  It’s all very different of course – with bubbles, one-way systems, distancing, masks and sanitiser.  Many schools are advising that pupils make less use of their lockers – taking books and equipment home each night in case they need to isolate, or a local lockdown […]

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Knee Pain

For the past few weeks I have been suffering from pain in my knees — alas osteopaths aren’t immune from aches and pains! I think the soreness in my knees is a result of my makeshift lockdown gym, but it has got me thinking about this most important and delicate of joints… The knee is […]

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How things have changed!


It was the end of January that Elizabeth and I were in Cambodia.  At the time the people of Cambodia were upset that this new coronavirus was affecting tourism from China.  Within days of us being in the country, the borders with China were closed.  When we travelled home all the cabin crew were wearing […]

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Do you have a disproportionate response to injury?


Patients often attend the practice with severe pains due to a relatively minor injury, this may be due to central sensitisation. For instance, someone who has a strain in the lower back and is also suffering from irritable bowel syndrome has a much greater chance of feeling pain and a persistence of pain, compared to […]

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Get into the garden – 6 benefits of being outdoors


There’s probably never been a better time to get outside. Not only is a dose of fresh air good for the mind, body and soul, but being close to nature will help restore some balance in your life during these unprecedented times. Here’s six ways that a dose of Mother Nature can benefit us all: […]

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Electrotherapy: benefits of a painless shock to the system

Electrotherapy blog

Electrotherapy is a painless therapeutic procedure that directs mild electrical currents to a problem area. And, depending on the type of electrotherapy you have, it can help with physical therapy for the relaxation of muscle spasm, increase of local blood circulation, muscle rehabilitation and maintaining and increasing range of motion. It can also enhance your […]

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Not quite feeling 2020 yet? Here’s our top tips for a gentle January

As months go, January often doesn’t get the best press.  It can be cold, dark, wet and a little bit flat after glitzy December.  And that’s before we get into the making (and possibly breaking!) of resolutions, worrying about our increased weight, decreased bank balance and that looming credit card bill!

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