Take the pain out of neck and shoulder strain

Niggles in the neck and sore shoulders are both very common and are often down to injury, stress, tension, poor posture, sleeping position – or any combination of the above. The good news is that most symptoms can be alleviated via osteopathy and/or acupuncture.

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Getting pregnant – an uphill struggle?

Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. Nowadays, more people than ever before need help to boost their fertility. But not, it seems, if you live in Walford and are called Mitchell! There anything’s possible, either end of the reproductive scale, with hapless Phil’s 17-year-old on-screen daughter Louise and wife Sharon, 50, both expecting.

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Banishing bellyaches, bloating and biliousness

Stomach pain

The approach of World Digestive Health Day on 29th May offers a great opportunity to explore how Cranial Osteopathy and/or Acupuncture can help with all types of digestive problems. These include  the dreaded Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and widespread pain associated with Fibromyalgia.

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Look after your feet and ankles – and they will look after you

Following last Sunday’s nail-biting London Marathon, the race season is now well and truly up and running – excuse the pun! Even if you’re not a long-distance runner, the warmer weather and longer days are bound to entice you outside in the fresh air. Whether you’re playing tennis, basketball, five-a-side football or simply walking the […]

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How to beat pelvic pain in pregnancy

Few would deny that pregnancy and childbirth is an utterly unique and powerful experience. It’s also a process that places huge demands on the mother’s body which, by the time the baby is born, could be carrying an extra 20lb of baby, fluid and placenta! Under the circumstances, aches and pains in pregnancy are, of […]

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Good night, sleep tight!

A good night’s sleep is something we should all be able to take for granted. Sadly, it appears that only a lucky few can lay down their heads and minutes later be climbing Jacob’s ladder. The rest of us – around 60% (Source: Dreams UK Sleep Survey 2016) – feel decidedly short-changed with the amount […]

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Is your Achilles heel your Achilles heel?


With the onset of spring, the days get longer and brighter and the runner’s thoughts inevitably turn to the race season. When planning a training schedule, it’s also a very good idea to think about how you can avoid injury, especially in the Achilles tendon. This unpleasant and often painful complaint afflicts up to two […]

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you’re experiencing discomfort pain in your hand, fingers and wrist that may also wake you up at night, chances are that are a victim of the delightfully named Carpal Tunnel syndrome (CTS).

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If you would like to book an appointment with Denise please call