Knee Pain

For the past few weeks I have been suffering from pain in my knees — alas osteopaths aren’t immune from aches and pains! I think the soreness in my knees is a result of my makeshift lockdown gym, but it has got me thinking about this most important and delicate of joints… The knee is […]

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Nutrition for fertility


Across my work treating fertility issues, a question I am regularly asked is “what should I eat to help me fall pregnant”. Just as stress levels, sleep and emotional health can have major impacts on your hormonal balance, circulation, cell ageing — and, therefore, fertility — so can your diet. Acupuncture for fertility courses that […]

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Do you have a disproportionate response to injury?


Patients often attend the practice with severe pains due to a relatively minor injury, this may be due to central sensitisation. For instance, someone who has a strain in the lower back and is also suffering from irritable bowel syndrome has a much greater chance of feeling pain and a persistence of pain, compared to […]

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Get into the garden – 6 benefits of being outdoors


There’s probably never been a better time to get outside. Not only is a dose of fresh air good for the mind, body and soul, but being close to nature will help restore some balance in your life during these unprecedented times. Here’s six ways that a dose of Mother Nature can benefit us all: […]

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Not quite feeling 2020 yet? Here’s our top tips for a gentle January

As months go, January often doesn’t get the best press.  It can be cold, dark, wet and a little bit flat after glitzy December.  And that’s before we get into the making (and possibly breaking!) of resolutions, worrying about our increased weight, decreased bank balance and that looming credit card bill!

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“I highly recommend Denise and her amazing techniques in Acupuncture. I was finding it hard to locate my ovulation throughout 2018, so after reading reviews on Denise’s web page I had brought a course of Acupuncture to try and level set my cycles and ovulation in hope of trying for a baby in the new […]

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As an Osteopath – I’ve not just got your back!

What do you think of when you hear the word Osteopath?  Backs and spines?  Possibly so – I certainly see lots of patients with back pain.  But there are a whole range of symptoms and conditions that osteopathy and acupuncture can help ease that might not immediately spring to mind and I thought we’d have […]

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Hypermobility – the trouble with being double jointed

Hypermobility double jointed

It is estimated that 10%-15% of children have hypermobile joints or joints that can move beyond the normal range of motion. People with this issue are often referred to as being “double jointed.” And whilst this may sound impressive, it can actually come with some painful side-effects. I’ve recently been treating a wonderful 12-year-old footballer who has been […]

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Pregnancy – not an illness, right?

Being pregnant is a real cause for celebration, especially if it’s taken a little while to conceive. And, what with work and the other demands of our 24/7 modern lifestyles, it’s tempting to try to carry on ‘as normal’. But that’s not going to be so easy if you’re feeling sick, tired, beset with back […]

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