Why we all need to be strengthening our backs

Hands up if you have ever suffered from a bad back? If your hand is raised, you’re not alone. The latest statistics released by The British Pain Society reports that eight million people in the UK suffer with chronic back pain that is moderate-to-severely disabling. While the Trades Union Congress (TUC) reported that British businesses […]

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COPD: Is Osteopathy the final piece of the treatment puzzle?

COPD: Is Osteopathy the final piece of the treatment puzzle?

Osteopathy can ‘significantly improve’ the health and wellbeing of those who suffer with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a 2019 report has concluded. The randomized controlled trial, published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, looked into the efficacy of osteopathy treatment in patients with moderate to severe COPD. The conclusion? According to the […]

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Patient survey 2020: The results are in!

Patient survey 2020: The results are in!

Patient care is always high on the agenda here at Denise Callaghan’s Osteopathy and Acupuncture clinics in Bromley and Orpington. It is part of our CPD requirement that we seek feedback from patients in order to make sure that we provide the best possible care.  Whilst this process has been slightly disrupted by events of […]

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Exactly how osteopathy can ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome

April marks Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. Which is why we wanted to spread the word and share with you just how effective Osteopathy treatments can be when it comes to relieving symptoms of this debilitating condition. Afterall, it’s a common problem with around one in five people in the UK expected to experience […]

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Teenagers ‘kneed’ to look after their knees: here’s why

Do you have a sporty teen? Or perhaps you are one? You might think that knee pain only affects the older generation, but knee woes are actually one of the most common sporting injuries teenagers suffer from. And there’s stats to back this up. According to the latest facts*, knee pain affects as many as […]

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Is Osteopathy the answer for the walking wounded?

There’s not been a great deal of good news in 2020 but for the humble art of walking, it has been a revolutionary year.  “It’s all we could do.” I hear you cry.  That’s as maybe but figures published in October show that between May and July 2020, 39% of people said they were walking more.  […]

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Back pain, backpacks and back to school


After much debate and discourse, the schools are finally back.  It’s all very different of course – with bubbles, one-way systems, distancing, masks and sanitiser.  Many schools are advising that pupils make less use of their lockers – taking books and equipment home each night in case they need to isolate, or a local lockdown […]

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