Endometriosis Awareness Month 2022: Can acupuncture help ease the pain?

With March marking Endometriosis Awareness Month, it seems an ideal time to raise awareness of the positive impact acupuncture can have for sufferers of this chronic and often debilitating medical condition which can affect fertility. What is endometriosis? According to the NHS, endometriosis is one of the most painful health conditions to cope with.  The […]

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Do you know what’s a real pain in the back? Sciatica


The medical term relates to a set of symptoms caused due to the general compression or irritation of one of five spinal nerve roots in your lower back. Despite their name, these spinal nerves don’t just have an impact on your back. They run all the way down your legs. Which means sciatica can cause […]

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Why we all need to be strengthening our backs

Hands up if you have ever suffered from a bad back? If your hand is raised, you’re not alone. The latest statistics released by The British Pain Society reports that eight million people in the UK suffer with chronic back pain that is moderate-to-severely disabling. While the Trades Union Congress (TUC) reported that British businesses […]

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Pinpointing how acupuncture can help with male fertility

pregnant couple

Fertility issues are nothing new. According to a 2019 report, around 48.5 million couples experience infertility worldwide – with 1 in 7 couples in the UK unable to have a child. But when it comes to difficulties with getting pregnant, the onus is quite often placed on the woman. When in fact, as stated by The […]

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Hay fever is no walk in the park – discover how acupuncture can help

Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, hay fever season is in full swing. But instead of sneezing or coughing your way through the height of the season, have you thought about sticking a pin in it once and for all? “Acupuncture is a brilliant way to alleviate allergic reactions, such as hay fever,” Denise Callaghan, trained Osteopath […]

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Patient survey 2020: The results are in!

Patient survey 2020: The results are in!

Patient care is always high on the agenda here at Denise Callaghan’s Osteopathy and Acupuncture clinics in Bromley and Orpington. It is part of our CPD requirement that we seek feedback from patients in order to make sure that we provide the best possible care.  Whilst this process has been slightly disrupted by events of […]

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Teenagers ‘kneed’ to look after their knees: here’s why

Do you have a sporty teen? Or perhaps you are one? You might think that knee pain only affects the older generation, but knee woes are actually one of the most common sporting injuries teenagers suffer from. And there’s stats to back this up. According to the latest facts*, knee pain affects as many as […]

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The next global health epidemic is here – it’s called tech neck!


It’s fair to say that we’re a nation addicted to our smartphones. And there are harrowing statistics to back this up. A report* released in November last year revealed that the average person spends around 76,500 hours over the course of their lifetime looking at their smartphone. This equates to approximately 9 years of your […]

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How acupuncture could help rid frozen shoulder

Frozen Shoulder | Denise Callaghan Osteopathy and Acupuncture in Bromley and Orpington

Frozen shoulder – otherwise known as adhesive capsulitis – has been ranked as one of the worst pains to endure, according to the NHS*. The painful debilitating condition makes your shoulder stiff and can cause a constant dull or achy pain in the area. In many cases, frozen shoulder means it is virtually impossible to […]

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