COPD: Is Osteopathy the final piece of the treatment puzzle?

COPD: Is Osteopathy the final piece of the treatment puzzle?

Osteopathy can ‘significantly improve’ the health and wellbeing of those who suffer with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a 2019 report has concluded. The randomized controlled trial, published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, looked into the efficacy of osteopathy treatment in patients with moderate to severe COPD. The conclusion? According to the […]

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Can acupuncture and osteopathy help with Long Covid? It sure can


The long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic haven’t gone unnoticed. According to a new report*, Long Covid – which was previously known as post-Covid-19 syndrome – has affected at least 2 million people in England. The condition is a type of Post Viral Syndrome and refers to a range of symptoms that last weeks or months […]

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Cranial Osteopathy: how it’s used in babies and children


Cranial Osteopathy seems to be making headlines. Earlier this year, former Made in Chelsea star Binky Felstead and the Duchess of Cambridge’s sister, Pippa Middleton, spoke out about how they turned to this form of osteopathic treatment to help calm their newborns. But this type of osteopathic therapy is nothing new. The history of Cranial […]

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Exactly how osteopathy can ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome

April marks Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. Which is why we wanted to spread the word and share with you just how effective Osteopathy treatments can be when it comes to relieving symptoms of this debilitating condition. Afterall, it’s a common problem with around one in five people in the UK expected to experience […]

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Is Osteopathy the answer for the walking wounded?

There’s not been a great deal of good news in 2020 but for the humble art of walking, it has been a revolutionary year.  “It’s all we could do.” I hear you cry.  That’s as maybe but figures published in October show that between May and July 2020, 39% of people said they were walking more.  […]

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As an Osteopath – I’ve not just got your back!

What do you think of when you hear the word Osteopath?  Backs and spines?  Possibly so – I certainly see lots of patients with back pain.  But there are a whole range of symptoms and conditions that osteopathy and acupuncture can help ease that might not immediately spring to mind and I thought we’d have […]

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